M a s t e r o f M a g i c Version 1.3.1 ----------------------- Problem Troubleshooting ----------------------- Please make sure you have the following memory available: 583K CONVENTIONAL MEMORY 2.7M EXPANDED MEMORY Refer to your DOS manual for information on memory management. If you use the QEMM memory manager, there are a couple of problems that you should be aware of. 1. You should not use the STEALTH configuration. This mode is known to cause problems with Master of Magic. You should remove the ST:M or ST:F switch from your QEMM386.SYS command line and then re-optimize. If you need help doing this you can consult Quarterdeck Office Systems Tech Support at (310) 392-9701 from 5:30am to 3:30pm EST. 2. It is not recommended that you use Microsoft's SMARTDRV.EXE or SMARTDRV.SYS with the QEMM memory manager. 3. If you use SMARTDRV.EXE or SMARTDRV.SYS, you should disable the write cache using the /X switch. 4. Attention owners of the Compaq Presario. If you are not getting any sound in the game, you may need to make a change to your autoexec.bat file. Check it for the following line, "set blaster=A220 I5 D1 T5". (Type "type autoexec.bat|more" at the c: prompt to bring the file on screen.) If it doesn't appear, type "edit autoexec.bat" at the c: prompt, and insert that instruction at the first line of the file. You will then have to reboot your computer to execute it. We advise those who haven't had experience editing files to make a copy of the autoexec.bat file on a disk before making any changes to it. Thus, if you make a mistake, you can recopy the file back into your root directory and return to where you started. 5. To install and run the CD-ROM version of Master of Magic entirely from the hard-drive, follow these steps: * Make a directory on your hard-drive (ex. MAGIC). * Change to that directory. * Type the following at the DOS prompt: "COPY D:\GAME\*.*". This command assumes that "D:" is your CD drive. * Wait for all of the files to copy (about 25 megs). * When this is finished, type install and select "Configuration" to set your soundcard settings. * Once this is done, just type "MAGIC" to start the game! Note: You can only use itemmake with Master Of Magic stored entirely on your hard-drive. ------------------ Manual Corrections ------------------ There have been many changes to the game since the printing of the manual. Master of Magic contains an on-line help system that reflects these changes. To access the on-line help, you can right-click specific portions of the game screen. --------------------- Sound Troubleshooting --------------------- If you use a SoundBlaster sound card, you must have your BLASTER environment variable correctly SET. If you use a SoundBlaster sound card that is set to IRQ 10, you may experience problems. Try configuring your card for a lower IRQ. If you use a Pro Audio Spectrum card, you must have the MVSOUND.SYS driver properly installed. If you use a Roland or General MIDI sound card, you may experience some delays when starting Master of Magic. These cards require a short initialization period. If you use a Roland or General MIDI sound card, you may need to turn your machine off and then back on when changing settings in the INSTALL program. -------------- Hints and Tips -------------- If you would like to skip the intro animation and continue your current game, you can run the WIZARDS.EXE instead of the MAGIC.EXE. When you type WIZARDS, the continue save game (SAVE9.GAM) will be automatically loaded. --------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 Gameplay Changes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES: - The Alchemist special ability allows all of your new normal units built to be equipped with +1 magical weapons, as if an alchemist's guild were present in all of the wizard's towns. - Archmages gain +50% towards their spell casting skill. - Node Mastery makes you immune to having your spells dispelled while in a node. - The special ability of Famous now starts you with 10 fame. - The Conjurer's bonus of +25% now applies to research of summoning spells, maintenance costs of fantastic creatures, and casting cost for all summoning spells. - The Artificer reduces the cost of creating magical items by 50%. - The Runemaster ability doubles the wizard's chance to dispel another wizard's enchantment, instead of making the runemaster's spells harder to dispel. - The Chaos Mastery, Sorcery Mastery, and Nature Mastery abilities now give the wizard a +15% bonus to his research and casting of spells of the appropriate realm, instead of +10% just to researching. - The Channeling special ability now reduces maintenance for all summoned creatures by 50%, in addition to eliminating the range penalties for casting combat spells away from your fortress. The Channeling ability costs 2 picks. - The Myrran ability now costs 3 picks. SPELLS AND MAGIC: - A wizard's fortress generates magic power equal to the number of spell book picks selected when the game begins, instead of the base 5. Myrran wizards then make an additional +5 magical power from their fortress. - A wizard's starting spell casting skill is equal to twice the number of spell books chosen when the game begins. - Guaranteed spells have been eliminated. Instead a wizard may select one spell for each book he picked above one when the game begins. Wizards who selected 11 picks begins with all common spells, 2 uncommon spells, and one rare spell. - The Disjunction spell now has a base cost of 200. - The Windwalking spell now has a maintenance cost of 10 mana. - The Weakness spell is no longer automatic and requires a save, but the spell does have a -2 resistance penalty. - The Starfires spell only costs 5 mana to throw. - The Holy Weapon spell now costs 10 mana to throw in combat, 50 overland. - Great Unsummoning now has a -3 resistance penalty. - Guardian Wind has become a common spell and costs 10 mana to cast in combat, 50 mana overland. - Guises has been eliminated as a spell, and replaced by Blur. The Blur spell is uncommon sorcery and covers all of your units in a veil of wispy illusion, making it very difficult to see the exact positions of the protected units. As a result, all hits inflicted against the blurred creatures have a 10% chance of just missing. Blur is a global combat spell and costs 25 mana to cast. - The Dispel Magic True, Disenchant True, and Disjunction True spells all dispel with a strength equal to 3 times the mana spent on casting the spell. UNITS AND HEROES: - Units may only fire 1 missile attack each turn. Firing a ranged attack ends the unit's turn. - Units with lifestealing may still attack with their normal attack - Clarification: all animated dead units cost 50% more mana to maintain than the creature's cost before becoming undead, regardless of how the creature become undead ( ghoul, demon lord drain, life drain spell, animate dead spell, etc.). - Berserkers have a 7 hand-to-hand, 3 defense, 3 thrown, 7 resistance, and cost 120gp. - Hammerhands now have a 4 defense. - Sky Drakes are now very rare creatures. - Death knight's now have a h-to-h attack strength of 9 - Demon lord now has a -5 save to life stealing - Djinns are now very rare creatures. - Halflings standard units cost 150% normal - Halflings no longer have a +1 defense. - Magicians have a 5 strength and Warlocks have a 7 strength. - Galleys and Triremes have a 4 defense. - Galleys have a 2 range arrow attack with 8 ammo. - Gnoll units cost the normal standard unit costs for spearmen, swordsmen, bowmen, halberdiers, and settles. - Gnollish wolf riders may now move 3 and have a 7 attack strength. - Lizardmen dragon turtles require a stables and an armorer's guild to build. - Draconian standard units now fly at a speed of 2. - Draconian airships may not carry units. - Great Drakes now have a 30 hand-to-hand attack strength, a 30 strength breath weapon, and a 10 defense. - Wizards lose 1/2 fame point per level of heroes slain in battle. - Maleus now has the spell of flame strike. - Rare and very rare fantastic units have had their defense increased: Chaos Spawn: 6 DEF Sky Drake 10 DEF Chimera: 5 DEF Wraith: 6 DEF Efreet: 7 DEF Death Knight: 8 DEF Great Drake: 9 DEF Demon Lord: 10 DEF Angel: 7 DEF Stone Giant: 8 DEF Arch Angel: 10 DEF Gorgons: 7 DEF Storm Giant: 7 DEF Beheemoth: 9 DEF Air Elemental: 5 DEF Colossus 10 DEF Djinn: 8 DEF Great Wyrm: 12 DEF MOVEMENT: - Flyers may now use enchanted roads. - Teleport only costs 1 movement point in combat. - Pathfinding allows all units within the stack to move on land squares as if they were roads. - Non-Corporal units can move on any terrain as a road. - Desert map squares cost one movement point to cross. MISCELLANEOUS: - A left mouse click on any resource on the city view screen will give a complete accounting and breakdown of resource production. - Trade Goods do not benefit from bonuses from any other source in a city. - A conquering wizard may now chose to raze a city, totally destroying the town and slaying all of its occupants. The razing wizard then receives 10% of the original cost of all buildings within the city, but loses 1 fame per size of the city, i.e. 1 fame for a hamlet, 2 for a village, 3 for a town, etc. - The default tax rate is 1 gold per townsfolk with a 20% unrest rate. --------------------------- Version 1.2 Chart Revisions --------------------------- Building Chart: RACES Type |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| -------------------------------------------------------- ALCHEMIST'S | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- ANIMIST'S | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- ARMORER'S | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- ARMORY | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- BANK | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- BARRACKS | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- BUILDER'S | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- CATHEDRAL | N| Y| N| Y| N| N| Y| N| Y| N| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- CITY WALLS | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- FAN STABLE | N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| -------------------------------------------------------- FARM MARKET | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- FIGHTER'S G. | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- FORESTER'S | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- GRANARY | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- HOUSING | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- MARTIME G. | Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- MARKET PLACE | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- MECHANICIAN'S| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- MERCHANT'S G.| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| -------------------------------------------------------- MINER'S G. | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- PARTHENON | Y| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- SAGE'S G. | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- SAWMILL | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- SHIP WRIGHTS | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- SHIP YARD | Y| N| Y| Y| N| Y| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- SHRINE | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- SMITHY | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- STABLE | Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| -------------------------------------------------------- TEMPLE | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- TRADE GOODS | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| -------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- WAR COLLEGE | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- WIZARD'S G. | N| Y| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| N| -------------------------------------------------------- Units Chart: RACES TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| --------------------------------------------------------- AIRSHIP | N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- BESERKERS | Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- BOWMAN | Y| Y| N| Y| N| Y| Y| N| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- CAVALRY | Y| N| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- CATAPULT | N| Y| Y| N| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- CENTAURS | N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- DOOM DRAKE | N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- DRAGON TURTLE | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- ELVEN LORDS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| --------------------------------------------------------- ENGINEERS | N| Y| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- GALLEY | Y| N| Y| Y| N| Y| N| Y| Y| N| N| Y| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- GOLEM | N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- GRIFFINS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- HALBERDS | N| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| N| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- HAMMERHANDS | N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- HORSEBOWMAN | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- JAVELINEERS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- LONGBOWMAN | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| --------------------------------------------------------- MAGICIANS | N| Y| N| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- MANTICORE | N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- MINOTAURS | N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- NIGHTBLADES | N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- NIGHTMARES | N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- PALADINS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- PEGASI | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- PIKEMAN | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| Y| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- PRIEST | N| Y| Y| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| Y| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| --------------------------------------------------------- RANGERS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- SETTLERS | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- SHAMAN | Y| N| N| Y| N| N| Y| N| N| N| Y| Y| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- SLINGERS | N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- SPEARMAN | Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- STAG BEETLE | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- STEAM CANNON | N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- SWARDSMAN | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- TRIREME | Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| Y| N| Y| Y| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- TYPE |BA|BE|DE|DR|DW|GN|HF|HE|HM|KL|LZ|NO|OC|TR| --------------------------------------------------------- WARLOCKS | N| N| Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| --------------------------------------------------------- WAR MAMMOTHS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- WARSHIPS | Y| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| N| N| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- WAR TROLLS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| --------------------------------------------------------- WYVERN RIDERS | N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| N| Y| N| --------------------------------------------------------- The following is a complete list of unrest modifiers according to a wizard's capitol race (ex. If you have a capitol race of barbarians, you will have 1 additional unrest in a city of dwarves you have conquered). BA BE DE DR DW GN HF BA: 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 BE: +1 0 +2 +2 +2 0 +1 DE: +1 +2 0 +2 +3 +2 +2 DR: +1 +2 +2 0 +2 +1 +1 DW: +1 +2 +3 +2 0 +1 0 GN: +1 0 +2 +1 +1 0 0 HF: +1 +1 +2 +1 0 0 0 HE: +1 +2 +4 +1 +3 +2 0 HM: +1 +1 +2 +1 0 +1 0 KL: +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 LZ: +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 NO: 0 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 0 OC: 0 +1 +2 +1 0 0 0 TR: +1 +2 +3 +2 0 0 +1 HE HM KL LZ NO OC TR BA: +1 +1 +2 +1 0 0 +1 BE: +2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 DE: +4 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 DR: +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 DW: +3 0 +2 +1 0 +3 +4 GN: +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 0 0 HF: 0 0 +2 0 0 0 0 HE: 0 0 +2 +1 0 +2 +3 HM: 0 0 +2 +1 0 0 +1 KL: +2 +2 -2 +2 +2 +2 +2 LZ: +1 +1 +2 0 +1 +1 +1 NO: 0 0 +2 +1 0 0 +1 OC: 0 0 +2 +1 0 0 0 TR: +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.1 Corrections and Enhancements --------------------------------------------------------- - You are awarded 5 fame points for defeating an enemy wizard. This is in addition to fame points gained for defeating his fortress city. Note: you are not notified of this award in the game. - An asterisk that follows a hero's special ability indicates a super rating. - Non-corporeal units are unable to use the enchanted road bonus. The enchanted road bonus does not apply in combat. - You will be rewarded with either one or two spells for banishing an enemy wizard. However, both of you must have similar types of magic for this to happen. If, for example, you have only death magic and your vanquished foe has only life magic, don't expect any spell discoveries. - Corruption now eliminates food production in the affected terrain. - Volcanoes have a 2% chance to revert to mountains each turn (with a 5% chance of providing a mineral vein). - The number of rebellions arising from Armageddon and Great Wasting have been substantially reduced (not entirely eliminated). - A unit with an immunity to a special attack is no longer immune to all other attacks made by a unit that had that special attack. - Units with magic immunity are no longer invulnerable to all fantastic creatures. - Djinns now have wind walking. -We recommend that you not use saves from previous versions with 1.3.1. They might work fine but we cannot guarantee it. - Playing with sound off should no longer crash the game in combat. - Armies of a banished wizard will now continue to follow their battleplan instead of going onto the defensive as occurred in previous versions. - Enemy wizards are now less apt to raze conquered cities. - There is a limit of 1000 units allowed in the game. This means that if the other wizards have managed to recruit 950 units, you can at most 50. Any attempt to build another unit will cause a warning message to appear. - A note on diplomacy. The stronger you get, the more difficult it will be to maintain good diplomatic relations with the other wizards and the more likely they will be to delcare war on you. They will not allow you grow strong unchecked. - Spell blast should now work properly against disjunction. - The movement cost across destroyed outposts is 1. - Units with mountainwalk capability move across grasslands at half rate. - * * * * * * * * * * * * On-Line Service Support * * * * * * * * * * * * MicroProse On-Line Support may be contacted on the following services: MPS*BBS*US (410) 785-1841 CompuServe support@microprose.com GEnie MicroProse Prodigy support@microprose.com America On-Line MicroProse Internet support@microprose.com Delphi support@microprose.com Updates, demos, and more may be found on the above services as well as the following: World Wide Web http://www.microprose.com FTP Site ftp.microprose.com ---------------- Customer Support ---------------- If you are experiencing problems with Master of Magic, you can call the MicroProse Customer Support Line at (410) 771-1151 weekdays from 9:00am -12:00pm and 1:30pm-7:00pm. THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING MASTER OF MAGIC! Distributed by MicroProse On-Line 1995